Eden’s Journey – Part 2


Eden's Journey - Part 2

Hey its Sunday…usually my rest day from working out, but I skipped yesterday since it was super busy! UGH Here is a before and after picture of me  The one in the black was when I was about 184ish…and the one in the pink is about 174  I thought I would post some pictures that are fairly recent to show you the progress I have made  Most of my “big” pictures will have to wait since my scanner is broken .. very irritating. I have lost close to 14 inches since this before picture was taken! One of my first recommendations is, if you are scared to face the scale….DONT! I started with measurements….seriously it is the best! If you join bodybuilding.com it makes it really easy  You can keep track of it each week, and see the progress you made. If you do not know how to do measurements, there are videos to help show you how to do it. I really recommend this website, it gives a wide range of workouts, nutrition info….and I found a lot of people on their that are all on their own journey to weight loss. So if you want to start losing weight, do your measurements first …then weigh yourself once you start seeing inches fall off. Sometimes people are scared of the scale, and I completely get that. But if you do weigh yourself and you don’t see a change (I get that often) and you are eating right and working out, I am sure you lost inches 
Tomorrow I am posting about one of MY FAVORITE DESSERTS EVER and literally it has maybe 12 carbs for the WHOLE THING! I made a healthy pumpkin pie (minus the crust). I will also post a piece of equipment I think every Diabetic who is going to the gym should have! Even if you are not Diabetic, this piece is life changing  SO stay tuned 

Eden’s Journey


DBB FB Eden Blog Pic 1

Hey Everyone! My name is Eden, I am 21 years old, a student, a girl trying to lose weight and well a Type 1 Diabetic. I thought I would share my weight loss journey, and all the tips and tricks that I have found helpful. But first a little about me, and my journey to where I am.
I was diagnosed when I was 17 years old with type one diabetes. It does not run in my family, and I was the “lucky” one who got it ha ha. When I was younger I also battled with a disease called Graves disease, which weakened my immune system (luckily I am still in remission), and the doctors believe that this is why I got Diabetes. While staying in the hospital, I realized that I am going to be on my own dealing with this disease. I had horrible hospital staff, uneducated people trying to teach me about Diabetes! One nurse thought I get my insulin after my meals, and another decided to tell my mother who was in a state of panic, that I may go into a coma at any given minute if my sugars were low….needless to say my mother had a breakdown. It was not a great start to say the least, and has continued to be a crappy situation. So ever since I was diagnosed, it’s been me, my body, and well the internet trying to figure this whole thing out!
So I thought I would write a daily blog post about my weight loss journey I am currently on  It is hard for diabetics sometimes because unlike “normal” people, we have to make sure our sugars are constantly ok…no highs or lows, and our heart rate is okay. I hate using the word “normal” but I think you understand what I mean. I am still trying to figure out what works best for my body, but I have learned A LOT throughout my journey thus far. I have always been slightly overweight, but when I was diagnosed I gained almost 35 pounds….I was shocked. All this happened during the month of my prom and graduation. Needless to say…I hated the photos! I was 205 pounds and I felt depressed, and I still battle with these feelings. It took me a long time to start being healthy. During October 2012 I joined a local nutrition program, and I loved it! I did not follow it completely and I did not do a lot of physical exercise, but I still dropped 10 pounds within the first 2 months! I was so happy, and during December and the Christmas dinners….I lost track of my program. It suddenly clicked in me that why am I doing this to myself? My university graduation is around the corner, and I do not want to feel the same way I did in high school! So in January I started to follow the program. It is a bit hard to change how you eat and I am still learning 😛 I go to the gym 4 sometimes 5 days a week (hard with my schedule of 6 courses, work and homework!) But of course I have had a bit of a battle with my sugars which I think I finally “cracked the code” on. Needless to say I am 174 pounds now….31 pounds down from my heaviest! I would like to be around 145-150 pounds for my height (5’6). My graduation is on May 31, 2013 and I am hoping to get to 158-160 by graduation  It is going to be hard, but hopefully you will all support me  I will share photos of myself, and foods I make….I LOVE COOKING! And anything else I find interesting  Hopefully I inspire some of you with my story, and with my future posts  I won’t lie, it is difficult, but it is not as hard if you have someone you can connect with who understands what you are going through  You can follow me on instagram edenalexandriadaly to see my photos day-to-day 
Until Tomorrow!